- Ștefan Dimitriu – „Costin D. Nenitescu” award for the oral presentation at The XXXVIIth National Chemistry Conference, Târgovişte, 25 – 27 September 2024
- Adrian E. Ion – Best poster award at The XXXVIIth National Chemistry Conference, Târgovişte, 25 -2 7 September 2024
Ștefan Dimitriu - member of the committee and scientific leader of the Romanian teams for the International Chemitry Tournament, Tbilisi, Georgia, 25 - 30.08.2024, Guadalajara, Mexic (
- Stefan Dimitriu – Premiul Sorin I. Rosca at the conference Macro Iasi 2023
- Coperta CrystEngComm, 2023, issue 37. Articolul Halogen bonded supramolecular assemblies constructed from azulene derivatives and perfluorinated di-/triiodobenzenes
- Stefan Dimitriu – Best Young Scientist award at the 15th edition of the conference “New trends in Chemistry Research”, NewChemRes 2023, Timisoara
- Robert Tincu – three months internship stage at Solvay awarded by European Chemical Engineering Council on the occasion of its 50th anniversary
- Seminar organized by HYPO TeHYPO Tech & Consulting SRL with DEMO presentation of the Solution Reaction System “XELSIUS” of the LabTech company – 28.09.2023, 10.00 a.m.
- Stefan Dimitriu - member of the committee for the International Chemitry Tournament, Tbilisi, Georgia, 18 - 23.08.2023 (
- Valentin Virgil si Cătălin Turcu - absolvenți de prestigiu ai Facultății de Chimie, Universitatea din București, promoția 2023.
- Valentin Virgil - șef de promoție;
- Cătălin Turcu - media de absolvire 9.30
- "Inovations in chromatography and mass spectrometry" - seminar organized by Pro Analysis Systems on 26.06.2023 with presentation of the products portofolio and demo UHPLC Vanquish Horizon.
- Ph. D. student Mayra Silva Coutinho,Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil -visiting young researcher stage from May 25 th to June 26th in the "Metalla-supramolecular assemblies and crystal engineering" research group.
- Catalin Turcu - Best Poster Presentation on the 4th Young Researchers' International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1-3 Junie 2023, Debrecen, Hungary.
- Mihai Răducă a obtinut premiul I la a 3-a ediție a Sesiunii de Comunicări Științifice ICMPP – Open Door to The Future. Scientific Communications of Young Researchers, MacroYouth 2022, desfășurată în ICMPP pe data de 18 noiembrie 2022 pentru conferința orală intitulată "Binuclear complexes bearing paramagnetic compartmental ligands synthesized from 2,6-bis(hydroxymethyl)-p-cresol" (autori: Mihai Răducă, Marius Andruh).
- Mihai-Alexandru Molența, Premiul “Costin D. Nenițescu” pentru “2-Isopropenyl-2-Oxazoline a Versatile Building Block for the Synthesis of Functional Monomers” acordat în cadrul conferinței Naționale de Chimie, ediția XXXVI, de către Societatea de Chimie din România.
We are part of the Internship Program in collaboration with the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest.
Vacant position: we welcome diploma and master students who are eager to join the research topics developed by the institute.