Exploring Ruthenium-Alkylidene Complexes in Green Metathesis Chemistry



Project ID: PN-III-CEI-BIM-PBE2020-0012
Projector director: Dragutan Valerian
Project type: Bilateral Collaboration Romania Belgium
Project program: Program P3-European and International Cooperation, Subprogram 3.1.-Bilateral/Multilateral, Mobility Projects, PNCDI III.
Funded by: Executive Unit for Funding Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation
Contractor: "Costin D. Nenitescu" Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Romanian Academy
Start date: 1st February 2021
End date: 31th December 2022

Project abstract:

The joint research project focuses on the methodology of production and applications of ruthenium alkylidene complexes, suitable as highly active and chemoselective catalytic precursors in syntheses of targeted functional materials by olefin metathesis. A characteristic feature of the alkylidene complexes of great importance for production of advanced matherials destined to top technical applications consists in their good compatibility with a vast array of functional groups. The ruthenium complexes involved in the project contain a selected array of ancillary organic ligands from the class of arenes, phosphines, N-heterocyclic carbenes and related mono- and bidentate ligands, able of tuning the electronic and steric properties in order to enhance their catalytic propensity and control the process chemoselectivity and stereoselectivity. These ruthenium complexes are prone to be valorized in a variety of sustainable metathesis transformations occurring under mild reaction conditions characteristic to green chemistry. As a promising development, these optimised metathesis processes will open access to modern syntheses of high-value compounds starting from olefins and cycloolefins bearing different functional groups.

(O1) Development and application of a broad family of highly active, chemoselective and stereoselective metathesis Ru catalysts, suitable to be applied in production of fine chemicals and polymeric materials. Evaluation of the optimal pathways for obtaining these types of catalysts and their application in metathesis and related processes.

(O2) Investigations of the stereoelectronic behaviour of ancillary and actor ligands of the ruthenium catalytic systems in order to fine-tune the catalytic activity, stability, chemoselectivity and stereoselectivity in synthetic reactions.

(O3) In a special part of the investigation programme, kinetic and thermodynamic aspects as well as stereochemistry and reaction mechanisms of the chemical processes in the presence of the above catalytic systems will be developed and evaluated. It is expected that starting from these results, a range of applications in synthesis of unsaturated organic compounds, macrocycles and polymers of high value as new materials for diverse utilizations to be further envisaged

(O4) Relevant data obtained by the two collaboration groups will be disseminated at national and international conferences and symposia and published in the scientific literature.

Project manager:
Dragutan Valerian

"Costin D. Nenitescu" Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Romanian Academy

Email: vdragutan@yahoo.com

Team Member:

Dr. Maganu Maria

"Costin D. Nenitescu" Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Romanian Academy

Email: mmaganu@yahoo.com

Team Mamber:

Dr. Cristea Mihaela

"Costin D. Nenitescu" Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Romanian Academy

Email: mihaela_cristea_2005@yahoo.com

Scientific report – 2021  PDF file